Sustainable Fashion, What Is It And How Does It Help The Planet?

Sustainable Fashion

When you go to buy a shirt, what is the first thing you notice? On the brand? Its price? The “promotion” sign? at the origin of the product? Well, it is time to think that that shirt, exported, beautiful and cheap, can include a great cost for the planet and you play a fundamental role in supporting solutions that reduce the negative impacts of this industry through sustainable fashion.

What is sustainable fashion?

Sustainable fashion seeks to make people aware of the production of clothing and responsible consumption based on the following criteria how to paint on fabric:

  • Environmentally friendly garments: it intends that both in the production and in the manufacture of clothing, care is taken to take care of natural resources; reduce the carbon footprint and manage organic, natural materials that cause the least ecological impact.
  • Socially responsible: seeks that workers in this industry have optimal and fair working conditions. And, in the same way, it implements sustainable systems throughout its chain.
  • Promotes the circular economy: allows the traceability of garments, allowing people to know who, where and the conditions of the people who made the clothes. In addition, it uses biodegradable materials, promotes the future recycling of garments and the use of second-hand clothing, thereby avoiding new production and thus the consumption of new natural resources.

For this same reason, sustainable fashion can be more expensive due to the materials it uses, since they are more difficult to obtain. Furthermore, he does not benefit from the exploitation of cheap labor.

How can you contribute to sustainable fashion?

Let’s start with something: buy less but buy better. Of course, we are at a time when the economic crisis leads us to optimize resources, but if you think about it, that shirt for which you pay more and that possibly uses better quality fabrics, can last you more years and, therefore, , come out cheaper in the long run.

Since garment manufacturing agreements we have witnessed how creativity and innovation always contribute to the solution: some brands and designers have started by making ecological designs; innovation in the use of materials of environmental origin and businesses such as wardrobe and garment rental.

Words related to sustainable fashion

  • Fairtrade: (fair trade), is a tool that supports the SDGs and seeks a more sustainable society, through a product certification system that includes social, economic and environmental aspects of production. In this case of clothing, acquiring certificates according to the Fairtrade Standards for Producers and Traders.
  • Upcycling: making garments from existing ones, with waste and other materials to create something new, which adds value when used again.
  • Fast fashion: “fast consumer fashion” is characterized by the large production of textile goods and their replacement, quickly and at a low price for the consumer, which encourages consumption, without measuring the social and environmental impacts. «Fast fashion or fast fashion was imposed thanks to low cost, throwaway products».
  • köpskam: “the shame of buying” is a phenomenon that arises in countries with high environmental awareness such as Sweden. It seeks to reduce the purchase of clothing due to the climate impact and the ecological irresponsibility of being fashionable.

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